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Shameless Plugs...

  • So many of you so kindly ask Jon and I what the kiddos are needing these days! Truth be told, if you're not planning on wrapping up diapers, we don't need much! However, we are always putting money from Birthdays & Holidays into their College Savings accounts. Please click on the VEST button above & you'll find all of the information necessary to contribute...Thank You!



  • Email Address:
  • Location: United States

One-Line Bio

I'm a SAHM of Triplet boys and Twin girls...Married to my bestest friend... I blog at Come visit My Five Little Monkey's there! :)


I'm the lucky Mommy of triplet boys born June 1, 2005...This kept me busy until we found out that we were expecting twin girls! We brought them into the world July 19, 2006. I've been married since September of '03 and couldn't be happier. I married my best friend in the whole world, and together we're on this crazy child laden ride!! It's been really great seeing the boys grow over the past year, we can't even imagine what the upcoming year with the girls is going to bring! We know it'll be hard, but together we can do anything! We do have a lot of support from family as well though, both sets of Grandparents are very close by (so close in fact that one set lives with us!) and everybody is always very willing to help!

If you're interested in donating to the children's college fund, please follow the steps listed under "Our Resources" or go to THANK YOU!!


Triplets, Twins, Photography...My family...