Honesty. It truly is, the best policy. What other way is there? I've had quite a few people in my life that have merely given me what I wanted to hear, as opposed to what I needed to hear. It turns out, I don't really need that kind of person in my life. I want the people who know when to give it to me straight, who know when to give me a big ol' heaping spoonful of honesty. I thank my lucky stars every day, that I have a few of these people in my life.
Nita is totally one of those folks. She graced me with this funky little award. She's always been one to help me out... You know, let me know when my pants are making my butt look too big, or when a haircut really HAS gone wrong. She has the words that aren't too sweet, but aren't too bitter either. I thank God every single day that I have her. Every Single Day.
Apparently after receiving this award, I'm supposed to share it with other bloggers...
- Karen: This girlie and I have been through far too much together... However, despite our differences we're uncannily similar and I love her, a lot. She's my buddy.
- Cherie: Ha... Cherie and I would never be here if it weren't for DIS-Honesty, so really this nomination is kind of funny :) I truly wonder every day what I did without her and her family... I adore her.
- Anne: This is a relatively new friend to me, but one that I feel like I can be myself around...I love that about her.
Now, I'm supposed to share Ten honest things with all of you about myself...
- I have never had poor body image issues. Even when I weighed nearly 240 lbs, I just thought I was a little overweight.
- I have a compulsive issue with making the first floor of my house "presentable" at all times. I can't sit down or stop moving until it's to my liking.
- I never had any type of relationship with either of my Grandparents. It saddens me, and I am hugely jealous of people who have awesome memories and stories of life with their Grandparents. This is why my parents, and Jon's parents play SUCH a huge role in my Children's lives.
- I sleep with FIVE pillows every night. Two under my head, one under my legs, one behind my back, and one in front of my arms. It's a little absurd. Jon calls it a barricade.
- I absolutely despise my current vehicle. I am totally convinced that I am going to get in it one day, and the wheels are just going to fall off of it. Just like in the cartoons :)
- My In-Laws are two of my absolute best friends in the whole wide world. I feel like because of that, I am one of the luckiest people in the world. I am not the norm.
- I had friends in College that betrayed my friendship. Because of those friends, I wondered for a really long time why anyone would want to be friends with me. I'm just now realizing that I'm a worthwhile individual, and people should want to be friends with me.
- Since Jennifer passed away, I have a innate need to help animals. Prior to her passing, I liked animals but had little care for them. Now it's like something I was set out to do... I think it's really odd, but very cool all at the same time. I do wish she would lay off on letting me adopt cats though :)
- I go through cycles of eating the same thing days upon days at a time. Last week it was chinese dumplings and white rice. Now, I won't touch it. Before that it was Chicken Sandwiches from Wendy's. I have yet to burn out on Devil Dogs though...
- I have no intention on cutting my hair. Every once in awhile I feel the need to shed it, but I refuse. Jon made a comment to me while he was going through chemo, that if he couldn't have hair "someone should"... I took it as I should have hair... Especially since Jennifer always wanted long hair. She even thought about getting extensions! So I'll let it grow... For my Sister, and for Jon... Because I love them.
I guess that's all... Want to nominate someone? Grab the award and pass it along folks!