I gave in. William got his own room. It really wasn't quite as bittersweet as I had thought it would be. To be honest with you, the child hadn't had a "room" in ages. He had either been sleeping with us, or had been reluctantly sleeping in his old bedroom for so long, that it seemed more natural to just not have him in with his brothers anymore.
I did really feel as though he needed his own "space", whatever that may be. I really was having a difficult time defining that though. Not only with myself, but also with him. His space seemed to be a place with red walls, and a pillow. My space seemed to be something with a bed, and one that wasn't MY bed. It also was an issue that nearly everything I suggested to him, I was met with a sort of indifference. It didn't seem like William really cared too much either way. I have to admit, that was kind of frustrating. I really wanted him to be passionate about something... Even if it was Bakugan, or iCarly... Just give me an opinion, something to go on.
However, since he gave me NOTHING. I went with what I had... A twin size quilt that my Great-Aunt Judy gave me when the boys were born. Aunt Judy gave me three quilts, all different, yet very similar, her friend had spent quite a bit of time making them for us. They are really unique and super fun. They're really brightly colored, and all three of them have the boys names embroidered into the blanket. I think that makes it so special. I've loved them since the day she gave them to me... I never was able to use them while the boys were in cribs, but proudly pulled them out when I moved the boys one by one to toddler beds. I hope that someday they love them as much as I do.
So since the quilt has so many awesome primary colors in it, I decided that would be a fine focus to have. Small problem, I just needed a bed... And a mattress... And a dresser... Clearly the quilt was the smallest part of my project. But hey! It was good to have a jumping off point right?
Fast forward to one week later, I had proudly acquired all of the things I needed in order to make Williams room complete. Two weeks later, the room was done... I spent a whopping $193.60 to complete the look. I was SO pleased with the way that it all turned out! Especially on a budget! I must admit, I had a little help from my Mom on some of it... But not too much!
Here's the rundown!
$160 - Mattress/Boxspring, Bedframe, & Dresser (Craigs List!!)
$33.60 - Picture Frames - Michael's (I used 40% off coupons on all 4 sets of frames!)
That's all the money that I personally put into the room. My Mom bought William a new set of sheets and nice red curtains. The curtains already had the rods up, so we were all set there.... I also had the desk and chair, so it was just an added bonus! The artwork is all William's own creations! We've saved it over the years and he helped me choose some art that he thought would look nice on his walls...
So even though William didn't give me any idea of what it was that he wanted, I think he really loves his room now... He plays very contentedly in there and sleeps nicely by himself (most nights), It's a learning process right!?
Now we'd like to move onto the boy's room... My biggest hurdle will be mattresses, but I'm not in a hurry! And Craigs List is my friend! :)