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Tuesday, 04 January 2011



I just loved reading about your daily happenings with the kids. With 5 kids there is always something going on in your house. Glad you are back.


LOVE that you are back!! I love reading about your happenings!!


Great photo! It's adorable :) I know when we take photos we want everyone to smile but the ones we usually laugh about and love are the outtakes.

I always to struggle with what to put on the blog so I put what I want to remember. It's the best scrapbook the kids are ever gonna get!!


Welcome back! How about any witty stories from school? Or better yet, how about the holidays? There had to be some fun there with 5 kiddos.
Glad you're back. Missed you!

Rebecca S.

Personally I just like reading about daily life with 5 kids. I have 3 myself so I enjoy reading about how other mom's cope as well as the fun things that happen!

Melis B

Welcome Back!! I have missed reading your posts!!

LOVE that picture of the kids~ it is SO CUTE!!

I hope you keep it up in the New Year!


Hi Jess! Welcome back!

I just like to hear about your day-to-day goings on.

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