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Tuesday, 18 January 2011



I am so glad to see that your blogging again. I have never been a commenter, but I sure did miss reading about your family. I hope you keep blogging.

Rebecca S.

Thanks for the recommendation. Our handheld broke a long time ago and I hate getting the big tubing for our built-in vacuum system out. This is exactly what I need for the daily clean up under high chairs and such! I already ordered one! Amazon has them for about $76.


Bonnie, Yes! This vacuum does pick up those pesky cereal pieces. I've noticed that when the canister is getting a bit too full though, it will fling it out the back. So, in all fairness...It very well might laugh at a fruit loop. I'm not positive though...

Camp Isaac Mama

Bonnie here from campisaacchaos.blogspot.com

Does it pick up larger pieces, like fruit loops or lucky charms? I've been trying to find a sweeper vac that would pick up the larger pieces, otherwise I'll sweeper vac and then have to use the regular broom also!


Hmmm, swivel head eh. I might have to check it out, you know how much I love my stick vacuum and I totally use it on small rugs. Thanks for the review, I will have to check it out, you know, when I'm up and about.

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