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Monday, 23 May 2011



I'm a long time reader and first-time commenter, but I read this the other day and just now tripped over what looks like a free alternative app - posting you the URL in case it helps either you, or anyone else visiting this page looking for info. http://techcrunch.com/2011/06/17/talking-the-talk-verbally-lets-the-speech-disabled-communicate-using-the-ipad-for-free/

katie k-h

If I were you, I would request that for that iPad to be used as a form of assistive technology in his IEP. Try to collect data to support your argument that he needs the program. I know it won't alleviate your personal cost, but the school system could provide one for the classroom so that he doesn't have to cart it back and forth every night. It also may help other students with autism, too. There are always grants out there for assistive technology through Frederick Co. Education Foundation and other groups.

Hang in there! You are an awesome mom!




Hi Erin! Thanks so much for your question! Yes, the boys school does utilize PECS as a tool for helping Jack to communicate. Unfortunately we are seeing some resistance in his desire to use it now. I think alot of it is because he has been using that system since he was about 18 months old and I think its a little slow for him now. Jack is able to read quite well too, so he has that advantage... Currently though Jack uses the PECS in school.


Does your school use PECS (picture exchange communication system) for functional communication? I have seen it do wonders for some kids. Because it is a very low- tech system (basically picture communication cards and Velcro) it might bridge the gap between the present and being able to raise enough money for the iPad.

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